REST-6 is a 6-bit fantasy console with build-in editor.
The examples are in the .zip file below. Docs are also below.
Used dustbyte palette by polyphrog.
The project and it's documentation is in early development. Please, ask questions and report bug in #rest-6 in the Fantasy Consoles server, or on my server.
Here is the documentation (quite bad for now):
Beta 0.1: Published.
Beta 0.2: Fixed a lot of bugs, replaced `pix` with `drw`, added documentation, updated terminal.
Beta 0.3: Fixed some bugs, huge changes in the language.
Beta 0.4: Fixed bugs, more memory for code and more memory for games, added sound synthesizer, added function to log in console.
Beta 0.5: Added sprites and sprite editor, fixed a lot of bugs.